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Polygon is representative because it uses ECDSA on secp256k1 and a relatively fixed validator set.

The consensus protocol is based on Peppermint8, a modified version of Tendermint. Validators sign produced blocks using the ECDSA signature scheme on secp256k1 curves9. Currently, the validator set size is fixed at 100 and only changes when a current validator resigns. This restriction will change when a new auction mechanism is implemented.10

Consensus Mechanism

Polygon uses Peppermint (a modified version of tendermint) Consensus.

Following is an excerpt from Polygon Architecture.

Polygon Architecture

Heimdall is the proof of stake validation layer that handles the aggregation of blocks produced by Bor into a Merkle tree and publishes the Merkle root periodically to the root chain. The periodic publishing of snapshots of the Bor sidechain is called checkpoints.

  1. Validates all the blocks since the last checkpoint.
  2. Creates a Merkle tree of the block hashes.
  3. Publishes the Merkle root hash to the Ethereum mainnet.

Checkpoints are important for two reasons:

  1. Providing finality on the root chain.
  2. Providing proof of burn in withdrawal of assets.

An overview of the process:

  • A subset of active validators from the pool is selected to act as block producers for a span. These block producers are responsible for creating blocks and broadcasting the created blocks on the network.
  • A checkpoint includes the Merkle root hash of all blocks created during any given interval. All nodes validate the Merkle root hash and attach their signature to it.
  • A selected proposer from the validator set is responsible for collecting all signatures for a particular checkpoint and committing the checkpoint on the Ethereum mainnet.
  • The responsibility of creating blocks and proposing checkpoints is variably dependent on a validator’s stake ratio in the overall pool.

More details on Heimdall are available on the Heimdall architecture guide.

This image from Bor Architecture helps give a better understanding of how Ethereum, Heimdall and Bor work together.

Matic Structure

Signing Mechanism

Following is an excerpt from and Peppermint.md.

Peppermint is a modified Tendermint. It is changed to make it compatible with Ethereum addresses and verifiable on Ethereum chain.


  1. Changes to signature scheme
  2. Changes to vote to make it verifiable on Ethereum smart contract
  3. Changes to vote encoding scheme

Peppermint uses secp256k1 signature scheme to verify Tendermint votes on solidity smart contract.

Source: https://github.com/maticnetwork/tendermint/blob/peppermint/crypto/secp256k1/secp256k1_nocgo.go

It adds Data field into Vote and Proposal struct to get hash for transactions in the block. On smart contract, it checks if Data matches with checkpoint data hash and majority (⅔+1) of validator signatures. The idea is to verify if majority of the validator set agrees on transaction in the contract.

Peppermint uses RLP to get Vote bytes instead of Amino encoding. Here Data is Txs.Hash() for the block.

Source: https://github.com/maticnetwork/tendermint/blob/peppermint/types/canonical.go

// [peppermint] create RLP vote to decode in contract
type CanonicalRLPVote struct {
 ChainID string
 Type    byte
 Height  uint
 Round   uint
 Data    []byte

And using RLP encoding lib to get byte data for signature on Vote.

Source: https://github.com/maticnetwork/tendermint/blob/peppermint/types/vote.go#L75-L82

func (vote *Vote) SignBytes(chainID string) []byte {
 // [peppermint] converted from amino to rlp
 bz, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(CanonicalizeVote(chainID, vote))
 if err != nil {
 return bz

Complete Source: https://github.com/maticnetwork/tendermint

Note: As of March 12th, 2023 the pepperming votes function now uses amino


func (vote *Vote) SignBytes(chainID string) []byte {
 // [peppermint] converted from amino to rlp
 bz, err := cdc.MarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(CanonicalizeVote(chainID, vote))
 if err != nil {
 return bz


package consensus

import (
 amino "github.com/tendermint/go-amino"

var cdc = amino.NewCodec()

func init() {


package p2p

import (
 amino "github.com/tendermint/go-amino"
 cryptoAmino "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/encoding/amino"

var cdc = amino.NewCodec()

func init() {

Code Review

Polygon’s peppermint fork of tendermint was forked from tendermint and as such the codebase has similar functions to those documented in cosmos code review.

The major changes are to the consensus and signing (see above)

Polygon’s bor is cloned from geth and as such the codebase has similar functions to those documented in ethereum 1-0 code review.







[8][9] See notes and links to code in Peppermint summary

[10] See Polygon validator documentations