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Harmony Horizon


This document reviews the horizon current implementation, development tasks that need to be done to support POW and offers some thoughts on next steps to support Ethereum 2.0 and other chains.

Further thoughs on ETH 2.0 support, removing the ETHHASH logic and SPV client and potentially replacing with MMR trees per epoch and checkpoints similar to Harmony Light Client on Ethereum, can find inspiration in near-rainbow.


Horizon 2.0 approach is to use validity proofs implemented by on-chain smart contracts.

Proving Mechanisms

Ethereum Light Client

  1. ETH 2.0 support see here
  2. Queuing mechanism should be implemented to queue bridge transactions. The queue can be polled as part of the block relay functionality to process bridge transactions once the blocks have been relayed.
  3. Consider whether we can use p2p messaging to receive published blocks rather than looping and polling via an RPC.

Harmony Light Client

  1. Needs to implement a process to submitCheckpoint.
  2. eprove logic needs to be reviewed
  3. Queuing mechanism should be implemented to queue bridge transactions. The queue can be polled as part of the submitCheckpoint functionality to process bridge transactions once the blocks have been relayed.
  4. Need to facilitate the core protocol MMR enhancements PR

Relayer Mechanisms

Sequencing of Transactions: Needs to be implemented and TokenMap in bridge.js needs to be refactored. Below is the current sequence flow and areas for improvements.

  1. Ethereum Mapping Request
  2. Relay of Block to EthereumLightClient.sol on Harmony
    • The block has to be relayed before we can process the Harmony Mapping request, as we have just executed the transaction the relayer usually has not relayed the block so this will fail.
    • There must be an additional 25 blocks on Ethereum before this block can be considered part of the canonical chain.
    • This logic needs to be rewritten to break down execution for 1. the ethereum mapping request 2. After a 25 block delay the Harmony Proof validation and executing the Harmony Mapping Request**
  3. Harmony Mapping Request
  4. Relay of Checkpoint to HarmonyLightClient.sol on Ethereum
    • A submitCheckpoint in HarmonyLightClient.sol needs to have called either for the next epoch or for a checkpoint, after the block the harmony mapping transaction was in.**
    • Automatic submission of checkpoints to the Harmony Light Client has not been developed as yet. (It is not part of the ethRelay.js). And so the checkpoint would need to be manually submitted before the Ethereum Mapping could take place.
  5. Etherem Process Harmony Mapping Acknowledgement

Light Client Functionality

Ethereum Light Client

  1. ETH 2.0 support see here
  2. Queuing mechanism should be implemented to queue bridge transactions. The queue can be polled as part of the block relay functionality to process bridge transactions once the blocks have been relayed.
  3. Consider whether we can use p2p messaging to receive published blocks rather than looping and polling via an RPC.

Harmony Light Client

  1. Needs to implement a process to submitCheckpoint.
  2. eprove logic needs to be reviewed
  3. Queuing mechanism should be implemented to queue bridge transactions. The queue can be polled as part of the submitCheckpoint functionality to process bridge transactions once the blocks have been relayed.
  4. Need to facilitate the core protocol MMR enhancements PR

Token Lockers

Note: The key difference between TokenLockerOnEthereum.sol and TokenLockerOnHarmony.sol is the proof validation. TokenLockerOnEthereum.sol uses ./lib/MMRVerifier.sol to validate the Mountain Merkle Ranges on Harmony and HarmonyProver.sol. TokenLockerOnHarmony.sol imports ./lib/MPTValidatorV2.sol to validate Merkle Patrica Trie and ./EthereumLightClient.sol.

MultiChain Support

  1. Need to support other chains
    • EVM: BSC, Polygon, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Optimism
    • Bitcoin
    • NEAR
    • Solana
    • Polkadot

Code Review

The code reviewed is from a fork of harmony-one/horizon. The fork is johnwhitton/horizon branch refactorV2. This is part of the horizon v2 initiative to bride a trustless bridge after the initial horizon hack. The code is incomplete and the original codebase did not support ethereum 2.0 (only ethereum 1.0). Nevertheless there are a number of useful components developed which can be leveraged in building a trustless bridge.

On-chain (Solidity) Code Review

Note: here we document functionality developed in solidity. We recommend reading the Open Zeppelin Contract Documentation specifically the utilities have a number of utitlies we leverage around signing and proving. We tend to utilize the openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeabe repository when building over the documented openzeppelin-contracts repository as we are often working with contracts which we wish to upgrade, there should be equivalent contracts in both repositories.

OpenZeppelin Utilities

Cryptographic Primitives

Proving Mechanisms

Ethereum 1.0 contracts deployed to Harmony

Harmony contracts deployed to Ethereum 1.0

Note these contracts were planned to be implemented with Harmony Light Client support which includes Merkle Mountain Ranges (see this PR and this review). The planned timeline for implementing this had not been finalized as of Feb 2023.

Token Lockers

Off-chain (Javascript) Code Review

On-chain interaction

Command Line Interface

Ethereum Light Client

Proving Mechanisms

Ethereum Prover

Relayer Mechanisms

Ethereum to Harmony Relayer

Cryptographic Primitives

npm packages

Light Client Functionality

Token Lockers



Appendix A: Current Implementation Walkthough

Following is a detailed walk though of the current implementation of the Ethereum Light Client and the flow for mapping tokens from Ethereum to Harmony.

Ethereum Light Client (on Harmony)

Design Existing Design

  1. DAG is generated for each Ethereum EPOCH: This takes a couple of hours and has a size of approx 1GB.
  2. Relayer is run to replicate each block header to the SPV Client on Harmony.
  3. EthereumLightClient.sol addBlockHeader: Adds each block header to the Ethereum Light Client.
  4. Transactions are Verified

Running the Relayer

# Start the relayer (note: replace the etherum light client address below)
# relay [options] <ethUrl> <hmyUrl> <elcAddress>   relay eth block header to elc on hmy
 yarn cli ethRelay relay http://localhost:8645 http://localhost:9500 0x3Ceb74A902dc5fc11cF6337F68d04cB834AE6A22


  1. DAG Generation can be done explicity by calling dagProve from the CLI or it is done automatically by getHeaderProof in ethHashProof/BlockProof.js which is called from blockRelay in cli/ethRelay.js.
  2. Relaying of Block Headers is done by blockRelayLoop in cli/ethRelay.js which
    • Reads the last block header from EthereumLightClient.sol
    • Loops through calling an Ethereum RPC per block to retrieve the blockHeader using return eth.getBlock(blockNo).then(fromRPC) in function getBlockByNumber in eth2hmy-relay/getBlockHeader.js
  3. Adding BlockHeaders is done by await elc.addBlockHeader(rlpHeader, proofs.dagData, proofs.proofs) which is called from cli/ethRelay.js. addBlockHeader in EthereumLightClient.sol
    • calculates the blockHeader Hash
    • and checks that it
      • hasn’t already been relayed,
      • is the next block to be added,
      • has a valid timestamp
      • has a valid difficulty
      • has a valid Proof of Work (POW)
    • Check if the canonical chain needs to be replaced by another fork

Mapping Tokens (Ethereum to Harmony)


  1. If the Token Has not already been mapped on Harmony
    • Harmony: Create an ERC20 Token
    • Harmony: Map the Ethereum Token to the new ERC20 Contract
    • Ethereum: Validate the Harmony Mapping Transaction
    • Ethereum: Map the Harmony ERC20 token to the existing Ethereum Token
    • Harmony: Validate the Ethereum mapping Transaction

Note: The key difference between TokenLockerOnEthereum.sol and TokenLockerOnHarmony.sol is the proof validation. TokenLockerOnEthereum.sol uses ./lib/MMRVerifier.sol to validate the Mountain Merkle Ranges on Harmony and HarmonyProver.sol. TokenLockerOnHarmony.sol imports ./lib/MPTValidatorV2.sol to validate Merkle Patrica Trie and ./EthereumLightClient.sol.

Note: validateAndExecuteProof is responsible for creation of the BridgeTokens on the destination chain it does this by calling execute call in TokenLockerLocker.sol which then calls the function onTokenMapReqEvent in TokenRegistry.sol which creates a new Bridge Token BridgedToken mintAddress = new BridgedToken{salt: salt}(); and then initializes it. This uses (RLP) Serialization

Note: The shims in ethWeb3.js provide simplified functions for ContractAt, ContractDeploy, sendTx and addPrivateKey and have a constructor which uses process.env.PRIVATE_KEY.

Mapping the Tokens

# Map the Tokens
# map <ethUrl> <ethBridge> <hmyUrl> <hmyBridge> <token>
yarn cli Bridge map http://localhost:8645 0x017f8C7d1Cb04dE974B8aC1a6B8d3d74bC74E7E1 http://localhost:9500 0x017f8C7d1Cb04dE974B8aC1a6B8d3d74bC74E7E1 0x4e59AeD3aCbb0cb66AF94E893BEE7df8B414dAB1


Here is the Logic (call execution overview) when Mapping Tokens across Chains. NOTE: Currently mapping has only been developed from Ethereum to Harmony (not bi-directional).

  1. Bridge Map is called in src.cli.index.js and it calls tokenMap in bridge/contract.js which
    • Get srcBridge Contract on Ethereum TokenLockerOnEthereum.sol from ethBridge.js it also instantiates an eprover using tools/eprover/index.js which calls txProof.js which uses eth-proof npm package. Note: this is marked with a //TODO need to test and develop proving logic on Harmony.
    • Get destBridge Contract on Hamony TokenLockerOnHarmony.sol from hmyBridge.js it also instantiates an hprove using tools/eprover/index.js which calls txProof.js which uses eth-proof npm package.
    • calls TokenMap in bridge.js
  2. TokenMap Calls IssueTokenMapReq (on the Ethreum Locker) returning the mapReq.transactionHash
    • IssueTokenMapReq(token) is held in bridge.js as part of the bridge class
    • It calls issueTokenMapReq on TokenLockerOnEthereum.sol which is implemented by TokenRegistry.sol
    • issueTokenMapReq checks if the token has already been mapped if not it was emitting a TokenMapReq with the details of the token to be mapped. However this was commented out as it was felt that, if it has not been mapped, we use the transactionHash of the mapping request` to drive the logic below (not the event).
  3. TokenMap calls Bridge.CrossRelay with the IssueTokenMapReq.hash to
    • gets the proof of the transaction on Ethereum via getProof calling prover.ReceiptProof which calls the eprover and returns proof with
      • hash: sha3(resp.header.serialize()),
      • root: resp.header.receiptRoot,
      • proof: encode(resp.receiptProof),
      • key: encode(Number(resp.txIndex)) // '0x12' => Nunmber
    • We then call dest.ExecProof(proof) to execute the proof on Harmony
      • This calls validateAndExecuteProof on TokenLockerOnHarmony.sol with the proofData from above, which
        • requires lightclient.VerifyReceiptsHash(blockHash, rootHash), implemented by ./EthereumLightClient.sol
          • This returns return bytes32(blocks[uint256(blockHash)].receiptsRoot) == receiptsHash;
          • Which means the block has to be relayed first, as we have just executed the transaction the relayer usually has not relayed the block so this will fail
        • requires lightclient.isVerified(uint256(blockHash) implemented by ./EthereumLightClient.sol
          • This returns return canonicalBlocks[blockHash] && blocks[blockHash].number + 25 < blocks[canonicalHead].number;
          • Which means there must be an additional 25 blocks on Ethereum before this can be processed. This logic needs to be rewritten to break down execution for 1. the ethereum mapping request 2. After a 25 block delay the Harmony Proof validation and executing the Harmony Mapping Request
        • require(spentReceipt[receiptHash] == false, "double spent!"); to ensure that we haven’t already executed this proof
        • gets the rlpdata using EthereumProver.validateMPTProof implemented by EthereumProver.sol which
          • Validates a Merkle-Patricia-Trie proof.
          • Returns a value whose inclusion is proved or an empty byte array for a proof of exclusion
        • marks spentReceipt[receiptHash] = true;
        • execute(rlpdata) implemented by TokenLocker.sol which calls onTokenMapReqEvent(topics, Data) implemented by TokenRegistry.sol
          • address tokenReq = address(uint160(uint256(topics[1]))); gets the address of the token to be mapped.
          • require address(RxMapped[tokenReq]) == address(0) that the token has not already been mapped.
          • address(RxMapped[tokenReq]) == address(0) creates a new BridgedToken implemented by BridgedToken.sol
            • contract BridgedToken is ERC20Upgradeable, ERC20BurnableUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable it is a standard openzepplin ERC20 Burnable, Ownable, Upgradeable token
          • mintAddress.initialize initialize the token with the same name, symbol and decimals as the ethereum bridged token
          • RxMappedInv[address(mintAddress)] = tokenReq; updates the inverse Key Value Mapping
          • RxMapped[tokenReq] = mintAddress; updates the Ethereum mapped tokens
          • RxTokens.push(mintAddress); add the newly created token to a list of bridged tokens
          • emit TokenMapAck(tokenReq, address(mintAddress));
        • require(executedEvents > 0, "no valid event") to check if it executed the mapping correctly.
  4. We then take the Harmony Mapping transactionHash and repeat the above process to prove the Harmony mapping acknowledgment on Ethereum (Cross Relay second call) return Bridge.CrossRelay(dest, src, mapAck.transactionHash);
  1. Upon completion of tokenMap control is passed back to Bridge Map which
  2. Calls TokenPair on Ethereum
  3. Calls ethTokenInfo to get the status of the ERC20
  4. Calls hmyTokenInfo to get the tokenStatus on Harmony